Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's as easy as 1...2...3!

How can you help? It’s as easy as 1 2 3…. Do your part in taking steps towards the next big medical breakthrough:
1. Log into your account in the left hand column or register yourself, if you haven’t already.
2. Make your personal donation
3. Send an email to 15 friends/family members, requesting a donation on your personal Heart Walk page. (FYI, if you raise $250 by 6/5, you will be entered into a drawing for dinner for two at Chuck’s Steakhouse.)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

$20 K Challenge Day

Santa Barbara has raised $5,770 since May 20th and Challenge Day is tomorrow! Register on the website today and help us reach our goal!
Start! $20 K Challenge Day
Thursday, June 5th, 2008
Santa Barbara doesn’t want to see life-saving research going unfunded this year and we need your help!
The Santa Barbara Start! Heart Walk has a goal to bring in $20,000 on June 5th.
Every participant who raises $250 by Thursday, June 5th will be given a prize AND entered into a raffle for a dinner for 2 at Chuck’s Steak House!
Cardiovascular disease claims a life every 34 seconds and stroke will claim a life every 3 minutes...making them America’s #1 & #3 killers.
Every dollar that you raise could lead to the breakthrough research that will save you and your loved ones from these deadly diseases.

Questions? Julia Nagy @ 963.8862 or

Local Heart Heroes

Heart Disease & Stroke is an epidemic that affects us all - even children. This video tells stories of heroes local to the Tri-County Community. These are the people we are fighting for! Raise money for life-saving research and education on